We received many salutes to Joe Bruneni, optical pioneer and long-time Eyecare Business columnist. He was deeply appreciated and will be missed. Here are a few reflections.
When I think of Joe, I mostly remember that gleam in his eye just as he was about to make a little joke--at my expense. He was a true friend to me. When talking about Joe, it's almost impossible to not mention his contributions to the optical industry. He will be greatly missed.
--John Halstead, Optical Resources
Joe...was always polite, witty, and unfailingly generous with his vast knowledge of this industry. I always enjoyed his e-mails and conversations, learned so much from him, and was very sad to hear of his passing.
He was a generous, talented man whose passing is certainly a loss to all who knew him.
--Amanda Searnacke, Fitovers
The mentor I had in Joe will be a great loss to me. I, as most, have looked to him over the years for more guidance than I can say. He pushed me to always give my best. When I would say I can't, he would tell me I could. When he asked me to write a course for Lab Track, I laughed saying I couldn't. And he told me to sit down and do it.
We spoke right before OLA, and I told him I owed him a dinner. With a laugh he said I owed him more than that. I think of him daily.
--Carole Maxwell, SoftLight, Inc.
Your January Ask the Labs column was absolutely correct that the evidence for CVS and the need for computer vision care is growing expediently. In fact, a new AOA survey states that more than 61 percent of Americans today believe that CVS is a major problem, and 64 percent believe CVS may be harmful to their children's vision.
We funded the first clinical study that documents a significant correlation between computer vision problems and productivity while at the computer. The study gives employers hard evidence of the financial benefits to their bottom line of providing computer vision care for their employees.
--Jon Torrey, PRIO Corporation
Interested in sharing your opinions? Please send your letters to managing editor Amy Spiezio. E-mail spiezioaj@boucher1.com; fax 215-643-1705, or mail 1300 Virginia Drive, Suite 400, Fort Washington, PA 19034.