close up on contacts
Portrait of a Teen Patient
by Karlen McLean, ABOC, NCLC
Kendal Miller is a 13-year old contact lens wearer from Duluth, Ga. She had trouble seeing at distance and saw her doctor for vision correction. She selected eyewear and wore it for approximately one week before she returned to order contact lenses.
"I wanted to be free of glasses, she says. "I didn't want the limitations of wearing them."
During her first visit, the doctor discussed and fit contact lenses. Kendal was impressed. "The doctor answered all my questions. They took their time, explaining things to me. It all went comfortably and smoothly."
Various modalities were discussed, and Kendal and her mother Marion agreed upon soft, clear daily disposables, citing their convenience and health benefits. Cosmetic lenses were also part of the discussion.

Kendal's contact lenses help keep her on the move
During training, staff members helped her learn insertion and removal techniques, and gave Kendal all the time she needed to become efficient in the wear and care routines. "I put the contact lenses in and took them out as many times as I liked," she relates. "I did it well twice and felt confident enough to do it on my own."
In addition to a year's supply of daily disposables, Kendal also opted for cosmetic color contact lenses in a variety of shades.
"I use color lenses for special occasions, like a recital," she says. "I have naturally green eyes, and I like the blue styles to change my eye color and the green styles to emphasize my green eyes."
Her parents are both CL wearers and were involved in the product selection process. They also help advise Kendal on a day-to-day basis.
TEEN Selling Sheet |
While most teens request switch to contact lenses, mentioning it as an option for teens who are strong candidates can help ensure this age group consistently knows its options for taking care of its visual needs. But, they also have to know that there's work involved in wearing contact lenses. Share the information from this checklist: BENEFITS Convenience Clear vision Sports flexibility Cosmetic appeal RESPONSIBILITIES Cleaning Honest reporting of vision issues Awareness of eye health Proper wearing habits |
To date, the only problem Kendal has had was when she nicked a CL with a fingernail. She is efficient in wearing and caring for her contact lenses, and has a set system.
"I store my year's supply of daily disposables under the bathroom sink," she explains. "The contacts come in strips of five. I keep two strips, one for each eye because they have different prescriptions, in the bathroom cabinet to wear for each week."
Kendal has been enjoying her wearing experience. She appreciates that daily disposables only require her to wash her hands before handling them and that she doesn't need to carry solutions or to store the lenses. Instead, she throws them out at the end of the day.
As a student who's active in athletics, Girl Scouts, and public speaking, she especially enjoys the freedom offered by these lenses. "At school, I couldn't see the board clearly without moving around to see it with my glasses," she says. "I'm trying out for color guard, and contact lenses let me see the instructor clearly and do the maneuvers correctly without the obstruction of glasses. When we travel, daily disposable lenses are portable and easy to wear."
She mentions that the lenses help her in physical activity by allowing her to see without any limits on her sight. "Last summer we went on a cycling trip and I wore a helmet," she relates. "The helmet would have conflicted with the glasses; glasses hurt under a helmet."
Kendal wears plano sunglasses outdoors and is aware that sunwear helps protect her eyes from UV radiation. She also knows the brand name of her contact lenses, and she and her mother are both confident in the brand. "There were lots of samples in the doctor's office of this brand, and if the doctor has this many of that kind and recommends them, that makes me feel good about wearing them," she says.
Quick Tips |
This patient requires convenient, stress-free contact lens wear with assured eye health benefits as well as lifestyle benefits. Take time to explain all wear and care options to the patient and parents, and take time when training. Recognizing a patient with an active lifestyle and one who is highly motivated, helps a practice gain a longterm, profitable relationship with patients and their families. |
Kendal wears her contact lenses from around 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. "I put them in as soon as I get up in the morning," she says. "I hardly ever need eye drops, and usually that's only when I've been up late studying a lot."
After wearing her CLs for around nine months, Kendal saw her doctor for a check-up because she noticed she wasn't seeing the board in the classroom clearly.
She notes: "My eyes changed, and the doctor changed my prescription so I can see clearly again. I enjoy wearing disposable lenses. It's a good experience." EB