training tactics
Flex, Mirror, Match
by Valerie Manso
Each of us falls into one of these communication categories: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. By listening to what your customers say and the words they use, you will be able to determine their preferred communication style and plan your approach.
Approximately 60 percent of all people are visual. That means they:
■ Respond to information in graphs, charts, videos, and pictures.
■ Are especially responsive to visual imagery in language: "I can see your point" or "what a bright idea!" or "let's look at this a different way."
■ Often form pictures in their minds.
■ Are generally animated and mobile.
■ May be somewhat impatient because research indicates those who think in pictures process information faster than those who think in words or feelings.
Around 30 percent of people are auditory. They:
■ Prefer to have information presented in conversations, discussions, voice mail, or phone calls.
■ Are especially responsive to auditory imagery in language: "That sounds great" or "I hear what you're saying."
■ Hear favorite pieces of music in their heads.
■ Are open to both sides of an argument.
■ Do not respond well to written communications.
■ Are adept at handling problem customers.
About 10 percent of all people are kinesthetic. There are two types of kinesthetic: internal and external.
■ The internal kinesthetic measures most of their experiences by how they feel.
■ The external kinesthetic tends to be hands-on. The sense of touch is paramount to them. They also tend to touch others as they communicate.
Whether external or internal, they:
■ Prefer demonstrations of products.
■ Are responsive to kinesthetic imagery in language. For example, "There's something about this frame that just doesn't feel right."
■ Sense feelings at a gut level.
■ Are aware of emotions and others' changes in mood.
■ Churn things around and walk or fidget when thinking.
■ Walk through or do part of what they're trying to learn. EB
There are two critical elements to developing effective communication: flexibility and fit. Matching or fitting your style of communicating with another person increases productivity, sales, motivation, and accuracy, and reduces conflict. To match another's style, you may need to shift from your preferred mode of communication to theirs. For example, if you have a highly visual orientation and your customer has a highly auditory one, you need to shift to increase communication and rapport with that customer. Building rapport by matching communication styles is the key to effective communication. It is called matching and mirroring. Mirroring is speech and behavior that offers back to its observers a reflection of themselves. When attempting to bring others into rapport, it has an almost magical power because of the way people respond to their own speech or behavior. |
Valerie Manso is president of Manso Management Resources, Inc. Contact her at