buyer's forum
Dream Big or Dream On?

Amy Spiezio
Staying the course versus making strategic changes for success can be a real dilemma in a bad economy. And frame inventory is no exception to the confusion. While a down economy may inspire some to hang on tight to what they've got, others use the tough times as a crucible in which to cook new concepts.
The challenges of today's market may have you thinking about getting more high-end eyewear to increase your profits and try to land the ever-secure segment of the highest price point. Or, it may have you thinking about increasing your inventory of less-expensive product to provide your current customer base with viable options as their spending budgets gets smaller.
Making the decision on what to do can be easy as a D.R.E.A.M., note lifestyle gurus Bob and Melinda Blanchard, authors of Live What You Love. Their D.R.E.A.M. plan is:
Decide what you want to change
Research your options
Evaluate the feasibility of your goals
Act to make your plan real
Maintain your dream to make it last
Whatever direction you see your inventory heading in over the next year or two, thoughtful planning can help make your dreams come true.
Inventory Question of the Month: |
In the face of this tough economy my inventory: ■ Is moving more toward value brands. ■ Is hanging on to our proven success stories. ■ Is moving up to catch the big money that's still circulating. Please email your responses to managing editor Amy Spiezio at or cast your vote at the EB website, |