• BEYOND WARRANTY. “Eyewear purchases are not like end-of-the-season clearance sales at clothing stores,” underscores Andrea Reis, clinical manager, optical & regional eye network, David, Duehr Dean/Regent Optical. “Many people are hesitant to purchase a frame they think won’t be supported months out from the purchase, even with a warranty.
• ONE-TIME BUYS. “For a while we had the same frame products; they all looked like the same shape and style,” says Larry Christopher, LDO, manager of Sam’s Club Vision Center in Memphis, TN. “The company tends to do one-time brand buys. Because of many factors, including some employee input, Sam’s is now more diligent about product variety and turning product brands and styles every six months to a year. Unsold product is returned to the vendor.”
• SELLING CRITERIA. Deal with returns at the buy by purchasing with the right mindset. “It’s best to get rid of products when you’re buying them,” says Nate Ogura, owner of Eyes on Fremont in Seattle, WA. “It seems people buy frames based on vendor’s return policies. Instead, buy a frame that meets your selection criteria that you can sell and make money with. Don’t buy a frame so that you can return it a year later.”