Freeform and Blue-Blocking
In response to the ever-increasing amount of time patients spend on their phones, computers, and TVs, Shamir has launched Shamir Blue Zero. The blue-light-blocking lens was developed to meet the growing demand of protection from potentially harmful artificial light that falls within the 415-455nm range of the light spectrum.
“Shamir Blue Zero allows for ultimate protection indoors from blue light while
maintaining nearly clear lens clarity. We’re excited about the opportunity to provide
ECPs with this level of protection to their patients. Just as sunglasses are important
outdoors, Shamir Blue Zero is necessary indoors, and the marketplace is realizing that.”
—Mark Becker, vice president of marketing and strategic partnerships, Shamir
With this launch, practitioners can offer patients a blue light protection solution in most Shamir Freeform designs and provide everyday progressive, single-vision, and work solutions. Initial indices of Shamir Blue Zero include 1.67 and Trivex.
At the same time, Shamir has also announced that it is taking a forward-facing measure and will be removing all molded lens product offerings and moving to 100% digital, Freeform lenses. Moving forward, Shamir will offer only semi-finished single-vision lenses, focusing solely on its advanced Freeform designs.
INFO: 877-514-8330, shamirlens.com

Not Your Dad’s Bifocal
Kaenon polarized sunglasses has expanded its performance prescription line with its new digital free-form blended bifocal lens.
Developed in the Kaenon laboratory and made using its proprietary SR-91 lens and Glare 86 polarized technology, the Kaenon Blended Bifocal is fine-tuned for the performance wearer, the company notes. It features a 28mm reading area and a seamless appearance. Because of the bifocal, the lens can offer the edge-to-edge distance-vision clarity of a single-vision lens without the interference of the intermediate area and side-view distortion that occurs in progressive lenses.
Kaenon notes that the lens is perfect for patients who golf, fish, bike, or do any activity where the “swim” sensation of a progressive lens can be uncomfortable.
INFO: kaenon.com

Personalized Marketing Software
ActiveLink Optical has created a software package that uses email marketing and facial recognition to engage the patient in “trying on” new frames before they even get to the store or practice. The goal is to improve doctor/patient relationships and increase revenue.
Using pictures of patients’ faces, the intuitive software makes eyewear suggestions from the ECP’s inventory and sends emails to patients with specific frame and lens recommendations.
ECPs receive a lead report and analytics from ActiveLink to identify patients who are interested in new frames and provide information on frame preference trends.
INFO: activelinkoptical.com

Lenses to Work In
In a launch designed to improve near and intermediate visual comfort for lens wearers, VISION EASE announces its new trio of occupational lenses. The digital backside lenses are designed with office ergonomics in mind, and each offers optimal viewing zones for specific tasks:
“Both at work and at home, people often spend many hours each day focused on screens and nearby objects,” says David Hoagland, senior product manager at VISION EASE. “Our new occupational designs have been created with maximum comfort in mind for those extended, up-close activities.”
INFO: visionease.com

Profit Calculator
Super Optical, maker of the Fast Grind all-in-one lens surfacing system, has created an online Profit Calculator to help ECPs visualize the profits that can be realized through a small in-office lab setup. This customized experience allows ECPs to enter their own costs into the calculator and receive an accurate figure of what they can expect to save and earn by adding lens surfacing to their practice.
INFO: superoptical.com/profit-calculator

Blue Block From Eschenbach
Eschenbach Optik of America is now distributing the new Polinelli premium reading glasses with BluePro Technology—a patented lens coating that blocks approximately 30% of potentially harmful blue light and reduces symptoms of digital eye strain.
Each reader is available in powers from +1.00D up to +2.50D in 0.50 increments, with two featured reader styles in powers up to +4.00D for patients with higher magnification needs. Each comes with a color-coordinated silicone neck cord and soft protective case.
INFO: 800-487-5389, eschenbach.com