MyStyle: The Next Gen
HOYA Vision Care has launched the next generation of its iD MyStyle progressive lens, which was the first to use HOYA’s Integrated Double Surface Design (IDSD) technology and incorporate patient lifestyle parameters in the design of the lens. The new iD MyStyle 2 builds on that platform with the addition of unlimited design variations, Binocular Harmonization Technology (BHT), and lens design verification.
“It is always our goal to ensure independent practices have the opportunity to differentiate themselves with science, innovation, and technology. The practices that have been successful with the original iD MyStyle design will appreciate the advances made in the iD MyStyle 2 design, and their patients will have a ‘wow!’ experience.”
—Barney Dougher, president, HOYA Vision Care North America
BHT is a design technology in which right and left Rx’s are treated as individual components to define the required binocular lens design. This feature will benefit the 73% of the population that has anisometropia, according to HOYA—it ensures that both eyes receive equal accommodative support, and practically eliminates nonadapts. An analysis of patient needs, lifestyle, and history—including previous lens design worn, and position of wear measurements—is factored into each iD MyStyle 2 prescription.
According to HOYA, this is a full-replacement design: The original iD MyStyle lens design will be retired later this year.
INFO: thehoyafreeformcompany.com

PogoCam, Expanded
PogoTec, Inc., maker of the PogoCam eyewear-mounted HD camera, has released two new additions to its product family—a “smart” charging case and a camera adapter that will work with any eyewear frame.
The Smart Case automatically recharges the PogoCam battery, backs up images and video captured on the device to an internal chip, and transfers content to the user’s smart phone via Bluetooth. It also charges PogoCam in as little as 35 minutes and can provide up to five recharges before being recharged itself.
The PogoLoop is an adapter that allows PogoCam to be attached to any frame, even those not equipped with the magnetic PogoTrack strip. It can remain attached to the frame, or it can also be removed and reinstalled as desired.
PogoCam, including its wireless Smart Case, PogoLoop, and other accessories, has a suggested retail price of $149.
INFO: pogotec.com

A Smart Screener
Stereo Optical, a division of Essilor Instruments, has added to the library of tests that can be administered by its Optec Plus smart vision screener. This portable, digital testing device lets eyecare professionals better gauge patients’ visual performance and provide a comprehensive pretesting experience.
New tests added to the Optec Plus software include glare recovery tests and others that are useful for quantifying vision loss under the glare condition caused by cataracts or corneal scars. According to Stereo Optical, these tests can now be integrated into customized protocols for improved practice flow.
INFO: 800-344-9500, www.stereooptical.com

SeikoVision Gets Avantek
As part of its partnership with HOYA Vision Care, SeikoVision has launched its version of Distortion-Free Optics, a complete rimless eyewear system that uses the award-winning Avantek mounting system to provide obstruction-free vision. The mounting system (which uses no drilling or screws) is combined with premium, lightweight SEIKO Free-Form Phoenix lenses featuring Super HiVision EX3 SEIKO Super Resistant AR and HOYA/Seiko free-form lens designs. A variety of frame colors are available in titanium alloy, carbon fiber, and TR90 materials.
INFO: seikovision.com

Transitions in Bi- and Trifocals
Younger Optics has expanded the lens designs utilizing its Transitions Signature VII polycarbonate composite lens technology to include FT35 bifocal lenses and 7 x 28 trifocal lenses. The new lenses, available in both gray and brown, complement Younger’s Transitions FT28 bifocal lenses released last year.
The polycarbonate composite lenses incorporate a thin photochromic front-surface bifocal or trifocal layer made of Trivex. According to Younger, approximately 1 in 5 pairs of lenses sold today are segmented multifocals—and a majority of those are bifocals and trifocals—so this lens allows these patients to enjoy Transitions technology as well.
The new lenses are available exclusively from Younger Optics through optical laboratories.
INFO: youngeroptics.com/transitions

Eye-Tracking Reading Test
RightEye, LLC, maker of computer-based vision tests that use eye-tracking technology to test and treat a variety of visual and neurological problems, has released a new test to identify reading disorders in students of all ages.
The RightEye Reading Test enables practitioners to differentiate eye movement issues from other reading disorders. It offers nearly 100 stories, both short and long and available in 12 languages, each marked with a level of difficulty that corresponds to different reading levels.
The test is available to ECPs with the purchase of a RightEye Complete 3D Eye-Tracking System. RightEye’s other testing software focuses on performance vision, as well as concussions, autism, and brain injury.
INFO: righteye.com

Let There Be Light
Ennco Display Systems has provided a fix to the common merchandising problem of poor lighting—the Delta Lit Shelf package. It utilizes hidden LED light strips to illuminate panel-mounted shelves, creating the perfect lighting environment to showcase frames.
The Delta is available in two configurations—three- and four-shelf displays. The three-shelf design is perfect for a space that has good overhead lighting, as it allows a seamless transition from the first shelf (which will be lit by the overhead lighting) into the two lower shelves lit by inset LEDs.
The four-shelf option is ideal for a space with no overhead lighting. The top shelf, which is located at the full height of the wall panel, offers LED lighting.
INFO: 425-883-1650, ennco.com