do you know Generation Z? Seriously overshadowed by the thunderous buzz about Gen Y (you know, the millennial cohort), the younger (and notably different) Gen Z is quietly, slowly, and surely making its way into the spotlight.
According to Bill Carter, a partner at Gen Z youth market consulting group Fuse, Generation Z (born between 1996 and 2010 and, today, ages 7 to 21) is the next big wave of consumers. In fact, by 2025, Gen Z will become the largest generation (and consumer group) in the country—a full 29% of the U.S. population. Step aside, millennials.
But Gen Z is so very different. They are (and will be) more socially conscious, more educated, more family focused, and more digitally intelligent than those before them. In this issue, in our Consumer Connection column starting on page 48, Carter serves up the keys to their collective heart—and specific ways ECPs can effectively connect with the unique Gen Z consumer.
“I try to make the eye doctor every child’s favorite doctor to visit… I make a balloon animal at the conclusion of their exam.”
—Melanie Denton, O.D., Got Kids? page 64
For now, a large majority of Gen Z consists of kids. Fun-loving, curious, sparkling, magical kids.
To help your business get an edge in this notable arena (ECPs tell us kids’ eyewear accounts for a full 12% of their product assortment), we deliver an expert guide (Got Kids? on page 64) to the inside line on what to stock for today’s eyewear-wearing kiddos.
Fashion, too—we’ve got you covered. Turn to page 52 for a color-infused, fanciful, and fun lineup of the latest kids’ specs and sunnies in our The Kids Are Alright style feature. And, we dig into the real story on kids and digital eye strain (including a smart lens solutions guide) in Digital Distress? on page 70.
We hope you enjoy this special issue. And, BTW, the noun zing means “an enjoyably exciting quality.” Kids today, they’ve got that dialed.

Erinn Morgan
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Eyecare Business