a tangled web of intrigue and mystery, social media is a powerful force in today’s digital-device-fettered culture. Not convinced? Consider this: The average person today spends nearly two hours a day, every day, on social media, according to Social Media Today.
This average, however, skyrockets with younger generations—for example, teens (the next generation of patients with spending power) spend up to nine hours a day on social platforms. Are you ready for them?
More and more eyecare professionals are picking up the social baton and running with it. EB’s recent 2017 Frames + Sunwear Focus Group Study revealed that 73% of ECPs are currently utilizing social media to aid their businesses. But, only 5% post to their social channels once a day (3% post more than once) and the largest group of respondents (32%) said they post just a few times a month. With your patients spending at least two hours a day on social, is posting once a week enough?
“In the beginning, it’s OK to post one time a week if that’s all you have time for. It’s a great starting point. But once you get your social media team organized, posting at least once a day, seven days a week will be a snap to execute.”
— The (Essential) Social Media Guide, page 92
We reveal the answer to this question—and so much more—in this jam-packed issue in our (Essential) Social Media Guide, starting on page 92. The guide walks you through picking your channels, picking your social media people, defining your posting plan, and crafting your posts. It even serves up a one-week sample posting schedule.
And, that’s just the tip of the ticket-to-business-stardom iceberg of content in this notably hefty issue of EB. Our FrameBuyer section (page 81) debuts our stunning spring fashion shoot—In Full Bloom—with specs infused with luscious hues + pure flower power. And, our Vision Expo East Guide (page 117) is packed with key intel on navigating the show—promotions, education, and events—plus the best nearby après-show eats and drinks in Gotham. And so much more!
We truly hope you enjoy this special issue…

Erinn Morgan
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Eyecare Business