my Warby Parker glasses sit in a drawer. Buried under my makeup bag and toiletries.
I bought them last year at WP’s New York City store in the Meatpacking District when I was writing up a first-person review in EB of buying Rx eyewear at a Warby Parker store location. I like the styling enough—but the fit is so off that the glasses barely stay on my face. Which means the Rx lenses do not sit properly, either. A quality fit is clearly not WP’s bailiwick.
While online Rx eyewear sales account for just 2.3% of total Rx eyewear sales today, eyecare professionals—from store managers and opticians to O.D.s—told us in a recent EB readership survey that online Rx eyewear sales were one of their biggest concerns.
We heard you loud and clear. ECPs are feeling the heat, from lost sales to patients who disregard the real optical price-value relationship and ECPs’ optical expertise. Which is exactly why this issue’s cover feature points a laser focus at The Wild, Wild Web. Starting on page 78, we deliver specific, strategic tips for competing with online Rx eyewear sales PLUS one optical shop’s strategy for competing with a new Warby store just down the block.
What does your shop offer patients that the WP store cannot provide?
“Warby does not have the resources to provide a custom fit the way private optical professionals do with a hands-on approach. A number of measurements are required in order to get the perfect fit.”
—Jenni Makher, operations director at OPTYX, which operates 10 optical shops in New York
(Warby Parker recently opened a store one block away from their Lexington Avenue location)
The Wild, Wild Web, page 82
And so much more in these pages—from of-the-moment, urban eyewear trends (page 66) to a must-keep guide to 5 critical improvements to your business’s website (page 84) to our BIG Vision Expo West Guide (page 103) to navigate your best show, ever.
We hope you enjoy the issue…and please consider checking out our company’s very own upcoming (Nov. 2-5) business-boosting, CE-focused event—the Optometric Management Symposium featuring an EB Retail Strategies Track—at . Fresh business strategies are key in today’s competitive landscape.

Erinn Morgan
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Eyecare Business