Congratulations on making it to the end of another difficult year. With a better view of what should be a brighter 2022, focus on ending 2021 on a high note. By checking things off your list—be they naughty or nice—you will be able to ring in the new year with a winning holiday season under your belt. Happy holidays!

Sheena Taff is a second-generation licensed optician at Roberts & Brown Opticians in Vancouver, Canada. Since becoming the optical boutique boss, she has evolved and grown the business and taken it to new heights. Taff is familiar with the many roles an independent practice owner and employees must undertake and wants to share tips for growing a successful practice.
The last couple of months of the year are the top spending months. Ensure your business is getting its share of consumer dollars by positioning for holiday shopping.
□ Create a holiday gift guide featuring products in your practice. Display them at your optical in a seasonal showcase to catch shoppers’ attention. Share items on social media and add “purchase now” tags for effortless online sales.
□ Consumers are becoming more focused on “event shopping.” Plan on having a Black Friday sale—a perfect opportunity to clear dead stock and commodities such as eye drops and vitamins nearing expiration.
Ensure patients don’t leave insurance dollars unused. Use email, text, or your preferred method of communication to remind them to use it or lose it.
We all know the individual strengths of our shops. Let your customer base know your values through your philanthropic commitments and celebrate the unique experience you offer.
□ Use the giving season to connect with your community and give back. Collecting toys for tots, food for the local food bank, or coats for kids can make a big difference, bringing new patients through your doors.
□ Design your seasonal window display to entice foot traffic to come in for a look. Focus on highlighting a brand that is strongly represented on your boards.
□ Marketing your staff and services is as important, if not more so, than the products you offer. Create a short social media video of staff sharing their top optical tips.
Q4 is an exciting time for everyone. With staff focus being drawn away from the business, find new ways to keep them engaged and productive during working hours.
□ Working during the holidays doesn’t have to be drab. Decorate and create a playlist for the season. Hanging lights and decorations is an easy way to change attitudes for staff and clients alike.
□ Plan your business holiday party. With restrictions easing, venues are booking up fast. Try something interactive or family-friendly to increase team building. Have the event earlier in the season to minimize scheduling conflicts.
□ Schedule holiday hours. Evaluate what’s best for your business—will staying open late result in an increase in sales/traffic, or will the added expense to staff morale be too great a cost?
Ensure the practice is visible even from the outside. First impressions or reminders of your brand identity set you up for success and ensure you are not forgettable.
□ Send out holiday cards. This simple, nostalgic act has been canceled by so many companies that you will easily stand out, showing patients that you value their business.
□ If you have an outside storefront, ensure it’s properly branded and well lit, especially at night for security. Go outside and evaluate your curb appeal and talk to property management for cold weather prep.
□ Schedule and notify staff of a cleaning day for the week before Jan. 1. Buy labels, Tupperware, and organizational tools. Keep a list of where items are for easy reference.