The omicron variant has delivered skyrocketing Covid-19 caseloads and hospitalizations across the United States and around the world. As we watch the story of this virus variant unfold, we here at EB also see (and hear about) the true difficulties it’s creating for optometric practices and optical retailers from coast to coast.
To learn more, we recently checked in with readers via our 2022 Omicron Impact Study. We present a handful of insights and comments from ECPs below.
Has the rise of the omicron variant created any staffing issues for your practice (i.e., staff testing positive and having to quarantine)?

Has the omicron variant had an impact on patient appointments at your practice (i.e., patients canceling, postponing, or rescheduling)?

Has your practice (or local/state guidance) changed requirements for masking, vaccination status, or PPE due to the rise of the omicron variant?

We also asked: What is your main concern for your practice/business with the rise of the omicron variant? Here’s a sampling of what ECPs told us:
“Major loss of income due to needing to cancel appts…no staff to sell!”

that will deliver a path to success in 2022.
Frame: The Fisher Island from Silhouette’s Rimless Shades collection.
Photo: Jurgen Reisch
“We were already shut down for a whole week for 4 out of 5 staff that had it. Doctor has not had it yet. We will have to shut down again if she gets it (or at least not see patients again).”
“People are definitely more hesitant to come into any retail store right now, and it is definitely causing a decrease in sales.”
“[That] I will have to shut down or permanently close my office due to this terrible pandemic.”
“Dr/owner is an immunocompromised renal transplant recipient and at high risk due to no antibodies after multiple vaccinations.”
“The variant is like any virus. Business may slump because of this, but safety is first. I have not relaxed any of my masking policies in office and have had a patient leave because of it. I can set the rules just the same as ‘no shoes, no shirt, no service.’ I’m not discriminating, I’m setting limits that I feel comfortable with.”
In this issue, we deliver critical intel to help your eyecare business survive and thrive in 2022, through the omicron wave and beyond:
Turn to page 38 for 2022’s 10 Mega Market Trends, where we pinpoint critical market trends that will help define your own business focus for the new year.
Turn to page 44 for our Innovation Boom feature highlighting six spectacle lens innovations that will deliver profitable opportunities in 2022.
We hope you enjoy the issue…
Curious what’s in store in this issue of EB? Join editor Erinn Morgan by clicking play in EB’s digital edition for quick highlights + insider info.

Erinn Morgan,
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Director of Social Media, PentaVision