Dec. 16, 2021 – Nearly half of small business owners participating in Alignable’s Omicron Pulse Poll (44%) are concerned about the coronavirus variant impacting their business and impeding an already challenging recovery. Concerned or not, some owners say they’re already taking steps. In fact, 4 in 10 small business owners share they are increasing safety procedures such as mask-wearing and social distancing. However, nearly a quarter (24%) reveal they are not doing anything different in preparation.
The survey of more than 5,000 small business owners in the U.S. and Canada finds that concerns over Omicron’s potential impact vary by demographic, business category, gender, and geography. For example:
• 69% of minority-owned businesses vs. 43% of non-minority-owned businesses express concern.
• 52% of women who own businesses share that concern.
• On the other hand, only 40% of veteran-owned operations view the impact as serious.
• In terms of regions, several Northeastern states report the serious concerns—Massachusetts (64%) owners are the most worried followed by New York (60%) and New Jersey (57%).
• On the other end of the spectrum, 43% of small business owners report they’re not worried about the variant.
Retailers rank fifth as the most concerned sector, with 58% worried. The most concerned small business owners are travel/lodging (70%), restaurants (69%), massage therapists (68%), and event planning (67%).
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Omicron Concerns Small Business Owners
Dec. 16, 2021 – Nearly half of small business owners participating in Alignable’s Omicron Pulse Poll (44%) are concerned about the coronavirus variant impacting their business and impeding an already challenging recovery.